General Terms & Conditions for All Marketing & Promotions


1)     Foto-ZZoom Sdn Bhd (Registration No: 145663V / 198501013207)  (“dobiQueen”), may offer (either directly or indirectly or solely or jointly with its partners), from time to time, tokens, credits, prize, rewards, bonus, benefits or any other promotional materials or products to Participant as part of its promotional program, or any marketing campaign (“Campaign”).

2)     For the purposes of this Campaign T&C, “Participant” shall mean any individual or entity, as the case may be, who participate, subscribe, register, purchase, sign up, uses, performs, refers to, avails of any products or services that dobiQueen sells, promotes, offers, designs, upgrades, updates and provides from time to time. dobiQueen shall include to mean its affiliates and subsidiaries.

3)     By participating in this Campaign, Participant agrees that the Participant has read, agrees to and accepts the terms of dobiQueen’s Campaign T&C.

4)     Permanent and contract employees of dobiQueen, including but not limited to, their immediate family members, are not eligible to participate in any dobiQueen Campaign. For the purpose of this Campaign T&C, “immediate family members” shall include spouses, children, parents, siblings, and any other individuals residing in the same household. Additionally, any individual or entity that provides services to dobiQueen in any capacity, including but not limited to suppliers, consultants, agents, contractors, and their immediate family members, are also ineligible to participate in the Campaign. This ineligibility applies regardless of the capacity in which the employee, service provider, or their immediate family member may wish to participate. The purpose of this provision is to ensure the fairness and integrity of the Campaign by preventing any potential conflicts of interest.

5)     dobiQueen reserves the sole and absolute right to withdraw, amend, omit and/or varyany part or the whole of the terms and conditions of the Campaign without prior notice to the Participant herein stated and the Participant shall be bound to observe, perform and comply with the terms and conditions herein and any amendments thereof.

6)     dobiQueen's decisions in any matter in relation to the Campaign shall be final and conclusive. Any request for appeal and review shall not be entertained.

7)     dobiQueen shall not be liable for any claim by the Participant or third-party claims or loses of any nature, including but not limited to, loss of profits, punitive, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or for other damages and any related claims of any nature, including direct, indirect, third-party, consequential or other damages resulting from or in connection with the Campaign.

8)     dobiQueen disclaims any and all liability for loss or damage to property or any personal injury or loss of life resulting from or in connection with the Campaign.

9)     The Participant acknowledges and agrees that dobiQueen reserves the rights to disqualify any purchase if the Participant is in breach of its obligations or any terms and conditions of the Campaign. Notwithstanding the above, dobiQueen reserves the right to reject any purchase of the Participant at its sole and absolute discretion without having to assign any reasons whatsoever.

10)  All qualifiers hereby consent to dobiQueen, at its discretion, to publish, display, and identify their names, photographs and city of residence for advertising and publicity purposes (if any).

11)  dobiQueen has the absolute discretion to add, and/or amend these Terms and Conditions, including the right to suspend, terminate or modify this Campaign at any time without prior notice to you.

12)  For the avoidance of doubt, the suspension or termination of the Campaign shall not entitle the participant(s) if any, to claim for compensation against dobiQueen for any losses or damage suffered or incurred by the participant(s) as a direct or indirect result of the same.

13)  If you have any queries about this Notice or would like to exercise your rights set out in this Notice, please direct your mail to us at

14)  The terms and conditions herein shall be construed and governed by the laws of Malaysia.

In case of a dispute, the courts of Malaysia shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Bahasa Malaysia

1)     Foto-ZZoom Sdn Bhd (No. Pendaftaran: 145663V / 198501013207) (“dobiQueen”) boleh menawarkan (secara langsung atau tidak langsung atau secara tunggal atau bersama dengan rakan kongsi) dari semasa ke semasa token kredit hadiah ganjaran bonus faedah atau mana-mana bahan atau produk promosi lain kepada Peserta sebagai sebahagian daripada program promosi atau mana-mana kempen pemasaran (“Kempen”).

2)     Untuk tujuan Terma dan Syarat Kempen ini, “Peserta” bermaksud mana-mana individu atau entiti mengikut kes yang berkaitan yang menyertai, melanggan, mendaftar, membeli, mendaftar masuk, menggunakan, melaksanakan, merujuk, mengambil bahagian dalam mana-mana produk atau perkhidmatan yang dijual, dipromosikan, ditawarkan, direka, dinaik taraf, dikemas kini dan disediakan oleh dobiQueen dari semasa ke semasa. dobiQueen termasuk untuk merujuk kepada sekutu dan anak syarikatnya.

3)     Dengan menyertai Kempen ini, Peserta bersetuju bahawa Peserta telah membaca, bersetuju, dan menerima terma-terma Terma dan Syarat Kempen dobiQueen.

4)     Pekerja tetap dan kontrak dobiQueen, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada, ahli keluarga terdekat mereka, tidak layak untuk menyertai sebarang Kempen dobiQueen. Untuk tujuan T&C Kempen ini, “ahli keluarga terdekat” merangkumi pasangan, anak-anak, ibu bapa, adik-beradik, dan mana-mana individu lain yang tinggal dalam satu rumah. Selain itu, mana-mana individu atau entiti yang menyediakan perkhidmatan kepada dobiQueen dalam apa jua kapasiti, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada pembekal, perunding, ejen, kontraktor, dan ahli keluarga terdekat mereka, juga tidak layak untuk menyertai Kempen. Ketidaklayakan ini terpakai tanpa mengira kapasiti di mana pekerja, penyedia perkhidmatan, atau ahli keluarga terdekat mereka ingin menyertai. Tujuan peruntukan ini adalah untuk memastikan keadilan dan integriti Kempen dengan mengelakkan sebarang potensi konflik kepentingan.

5)     Terma dan syarat ini (dan mana-mana terma dan syarat spesifik Kempen lain jika ada) akan mengawal selia terma mana-mana Kempen dobiQueen. dobiQueen berhak sepenuhnya untuk menarik balik, mengubah, mengubahsuai, mengabaikan, dan/atau mempelbagaikan mana-mana bahagian atau keseluruhan terma dan syarat mana-mana Kempen tanpa notis terlebih dahulu kepada Peserta dan Peserta hendaklah mematuhi, melaksanakan, dan memenuhi terma dan syarat di sini dan mana-mana pindaan daripadanya dan mana-mana terma dan syarat spesifik Kempen lain yang dikeluarkan oleh dobiQueen dari semasa ke semasa.

6)     Segala keputusan yang dibuat oleh dobiQueen berhubung dengan setiap aspek Kempen adalah muktamad, mengikat, dan konklusif. Sebarang surat-menyurat, bantahan, rayuan, atau pertanyaan seterusnya tidak akan dilayan.

7)     dobiQueen tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang tuntutan oleh Peserta atau tuntutan pihak ketiga atau kerugian daripada mana-mana jenis termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada kehilangan keuntungan, ganti rugi punitif, tidak langsung, istimewa, insidental atau berbangkit atau untuk kerugian lain dan sebarang tuntutan berkaitan daripada mana-mana jenis termasuk kerugian langsung, tidak langsung, pihak ketiga, berbangkit atau lain-lain yang timbul daripada atau berkaitan dengan mana-mana Kempen.

8)     dobiQueen tidak akan bertanggungjawab ke atas sebarang kerugian (termasuk kehilangan peluang (loss of opportunity) dan sebarang kerugian lain yang setara dengannya) dan/atau kerosakan yang dialami daripada atau berkaitan dengan mana-mana Kempen.

9)     Peserta mengakui dan bersetuju bahawa dobiQueen mempunyai hak untuk menyekat sebarang pembelian jika Peserta melanggar kewajipan atau terma dan syarat Kempen. Walaupun demikian, dobiQueen berhak menolak sebarang pembelian oleh Peserta atas budi bicara mutlaknya tanpa perlu memberikan sebarang sebab.

10)  Dengan menyertai kempen ini, Peserta Yang Layak dengan ini memberi kebenaran kepada pihak dobiQueen, mengikut budi bicaranya, untuk menerbitkan, memaparkan dan mengenal pasti nama, gambar dan bandar tempat tinggal mereka untuk tujuan pengiklanan dan publisiti (jika ada).

11)  Pihak dobiQueen mempunyai budi bicaranya untuk menambah dan meminda Terma dan Syarat ini, termasuk hak untuk menggantung, menamatkan atau mengubah suai Kempen ini pada bilabila masa tanpa notis terlebih dahulu kepada peserta.

12)  Untuk mengelakkan keraguan, penggantungan atau penamatan Kempen tidak akan memberi

hak kepada peserta untuk menuntut pampasan terhadap dobiQueen bagi sebarang kerugian atau kerosakan yang dialami atau ditanggung oleh peserta secara langsung atau tidak langsung.

13)  Jika anda mempunyai sebarang pertanyaan mengenai Notis ini atau ingin menggunakan hak anda yang dinyatakan dalam Notis ini, sila hantarkan surat anda kepada kami di

14)  Terma dan Syarat ini adalah tertakluk kepada dan ditafsir selaras dengan undang-undang Malaysia dan tertakluk kepada bidang kuasa eksklusif Mahkamah Malaysia.

Have questions?
Drop us a message.

Laundry Pick Up & Delivery Service Malaysia

Looking for a laundry delivery service near you has become a whole lot easier now with dobiQueen’s door-to-door pick up and delivery service. With the current Covid19 pandemic, everyone wants to be safe. Yet, people still need to have clean laundry everyday, every time, everywhere. Cleaning your weekly clothing and beddings now become safer than ever when we pick up your laundry from your home and have it delivered right to your door steps. You just need to pick up the phone and dial the hotline. You won’t have to step out of your home. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the comforts of your home.Laundry cleaning has never been as easy and convenient as with dobiQueen Malaysia. In 6 hours, you can have your laundry cleaned! Tell us where you are located and we will handle the rest. Door to door.Got back home late from work? Can’t do your laundry due to the rainy season? Got work to do? dobiQueen provides you with 24 hours laundry service near you, 365 days a year! So whether it is rainy, sunny outside or a hectic schedule, dobiQueen Malaysia is your ultimate place to do your laundry for any kind of fabric closest to your home or even your office.

Coin Laundry vs Laundromat vs Launderette, they are synonyms for Self Service Laundry aka Dobi Layan Diri.

Believe it or not, they are all the same thing! Check out what it means at Wikipedia! The difference is only the phrase itself and when you hear about your family and friends mentioning about a self service laundromat nearby, you can always recommend them dobiQueen 24 hours self service laundromat without reserve. Industrial grade laundry machines at affordable prices, at low prices and high quality, your laundry will be cleaner & fresher than ever before!Forget about buying a laundry machines at your local department store, forget about buying the countless hangers to dry your laundry outside, don’t ever worry that you forget about your drying laundry and say hello to dobiQueen laundry service near you in Malaysia.

Latest Self Service Laundry Cleaning / Dobi Layan Diri / Kedai Dobi Destination in Malaysia

Looking for the best washing machine that will clean your laundry most effective has become a lot easier with self service laundry services Malaysia outlets such as dobiQueen. The days where you need to head off to departmental stores to spend hours searching for the best washing machine to do your weekly laundry are long gone with dobiQueen. At dobiQueen, we make your laundry cleaning experience a more exciting one with fast and easy procedures, hence giving you an improved laundry cleaning experience. Trust us that when you start cleaning your laundry with us, we will be your favourite Malaysia self service laundry cleaning centre in the country! dobiQueen creates ideal opportunities for housewives, people with hectic schedules and students with the most efficient and cost effective way of cleaning their laundry with the latest technologies in industrial laundry machinery by ELECTROLUX Professional series. Browse for the nearest self service laundry near you to have your weekly laundry cleaned.

Best Washing Machine & Laundry Dryers at Your Service!

With ELECTROLUX washing machines and laundry dryers, your clothing not only can be cleaned at half the time compared to home washing machines, they are indefinitely better at cleaning your laundry as well. Industrial ELECTROLUX Professional washing machines features revolution speeds five times that of regular home washers, efficiently reduces electricity consumption by three folds and saves twice the amount of water than the best home laundry appliances you can get in the market. At dobiQueen, we help you clean your laundry with superior washing machines and dryers at affordable prices, gone are the days for dry cleaners to hit you with hefty costs and long waiting lines! Visit one of our kedai dobi layan diri today and prepare to bask in the all new self service laundry experience.
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