
Terms and Conditions for dobiQueen Mobile App

These Terms of Use constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“you”) and Foto-ZZoom Sdn Bhd (145663V / 198501013207)., doing business as dobiQueen ("dobiQueen", “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your access to and use of the https://dobiqueen.my/ website as well as any other media form, media channel, mobile website or mobile application related, linked, or otherwise connected thereto (collectively, the “Site”). By downloading, accessing, or using the dobiQueen App, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree with these Terms, please do not use the dobiQueen App.

1. Scope of Services

1.1 The dobiQueen App provides users with top up purchases, and access to laundry services within dobiQueen outlets.

1.2 The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the services provided through the dobiQueen App at any time without prior notice.

2. User Accounts

2.1 In order to use certain features of the dobiQueen App, you will be required to create a user account.

2.2 You shall download or have downloaded the dobiQueen App from either the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, or Huawei AppGallery. You shall not download the dobiQueen App from any other sources. You shall be fully responsible for any losses or damages you may suffer in anyway whatsoever should you breach the terms of this clause

2.3 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account credentials and for all activities that occur under your account.

2.4 You agree to provide accurate, current, and complete information when creating your account and to update your information as necessary to ensure its accuracy.

3. Use of the App

3.1 You agree to use the dobiQueen App only for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms.

3.2 You agree not to engage in any conduct that may interfere with or disrupt the operation of the dobiQueen App or its associated services.

3.3 You agree not to attempt to gain unauthorised access to any portion of the dobiQueen App or any of its related systems or networks.

4. Privacy

4.1  You agree that by registering for the Account, you consent for your Personal Information/Data to be used and/or disclosed in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010.

4.2 The Personal Information/Data provided by you may be held in a database and dobiQueen may use, store, analyse and transfer and/or exchange such information with all such persons as may be considered necessary.

4.3 dobiQueen may monitor and record all transactions and communications that may take place between dobiQueen and you for dobiQueen's business purposes (including but not limited to quality control and training, ensuring effective systems operation and prevention and detection of crime).

5. Payment Terms

5.1 Payment for topups and services provided through the dobiQueen App must be made in accordance with the pricing and payment terms specified in the dobiQueen App.

5.2 The Company reserves the right to modify the pricing for its topups and services at any time without prior notice.

5.3 Top-up Terms:

5.3.1 A minimum topup amount may be imposed for topups using debit card, credit card, and/or any other reload method which may be determined by dobiQueen from time to time.

5.3.2 The topup amount is non-transferable, cannot be refunded, and cannot be cashed out.

5.3.3 When a customer closes their account, the topup amount will not be refunded.

5.3.4 These terms apply to all transactions involving the topup of funds into user accounts within the dobiQueen App.

6. Intellectual Property

6.1 All content and materials available through the dobiQueen App, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software, are the property of the Company or its licensors and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

6.2 You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or otherwise use any content from the dobiQueen App without the prior written consent of the Company.

7. Limitation of Liability

7.1 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Company shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of or relating to your use of the dobiQueen App or any services provided through the dobiQueen App.

8. Governing Law

8.1  These Terms and Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Malaysia, and you hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysian courts.

9. Changes to Terms

9.1 The Company reserves the right to modify or update these Terms at any time without prior notice. Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon posting.

10. Contact Information

10.1 If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact dobiQueen at +603 8084 3737 or customer-service@dobiqueen.my.

By using the dobiQueen App, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Bahasa Malaysia

Terma dan Syarat untuk Aplikasi Mudah Alih dobiQueen

Terma Penggunaan ini merupakan perjanjian yang mengikat secara sah antara anda, sama ada secara peribadi atau bagi pihak entiti (“anda”) dan Foto-ZZoom Sdn Bhd (145663V / 198501013207), yang menjalankan perniagaan sebagai dobiQueen (“dobiQueen”, “kami”, “kita”, atau “kepunyaan kami”), mengenai akses anda kepada dan penggunaan laman web https://dobiqueen.my/ serta mana-mana bentuk media lain, saluran media, laman web mudah alih atau aplikasi mudah alih yang berkaitan, dihubungkan, atau dihubungkan dengannya (secara kolektif, “Laman”). Dengan memuat turun, mengakses, atau menggunakan Aplikasi dobiQueen, anda bersetuju untuk terikat dengan Terma ini. Jika anda tidak bersetuju dengan Terma ini, sila jangan gunakan Aplikasi dobiQueen.

1. Skop Perkhidmatan

1.1 Aplikasi dobiQueen menyediakan pengguna dengan pembelian tambah nilai, dan akses kepada perkhidmatan dobi di dalam premis dobiQueen.

1.2 Syarikat berhak untuk mengubah, menggantung, atau menamatkan perkhidmatan yang disediakan melalui Aplikasi dobiQueen pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis terlebih dahulu.

2. Akaun Pengguna

2.1 Untuk menggunakan ciri-ciri tertentu dalam Aplikasi dobiQueen, anda perlu membuat akaun pengguna.

2.2 Anda hendaklah memuat turun atau telah memuat turun Aplikasi dobiQueen dari Google Play Store, Apple App Store, atau Huawei AppGallery. Anda tidak dibenarkan memuat turun Aplikasi dobiQueen dari sumber lain. Anda bertanggungjawab sepenuhnya atas sebarang kerugian atau kerosakan yang mungkin anda alami dalam apa jua cara sekiranya anda melanggar terma klausa ini.

2.3 Anda bertanggungjawab untuk menjaga kerahsiaan kelayakan akaun anda dan untuk semua aktiviti yang berlaku di bawah akaun anda.

2.4 Anda bersetuju untuk memberikan maklumat yang tepat, terkini, dan lengkap semasa membuat akaun anda dan untuk mengemas kini maklumat anda sebagaimana perlu untuk memastikan ketepatannya.

3. Penggunaan Aplikasi

3.1 Anda bersetuju untuk menggunakan Aplikasi dobiQueen hanya untuk tujuan yang sah dan sesuai dengan Terma ini.

3.2 Anda bersetuju untuk tidak terlibat dalam sebarang kelakuan yang boleh mengganggu atau mengacaukan operasi Aplikasi dobiQueen atau perkhidmatan yang berkaitan.

3.3 Anda bersetuju untuk tidak cuba mendapatkan akses tanpa kebenaran ke mana-mana bahagian Aplikasi dobiQueen atau mana-mana sistem atau rangkaian yang berkaitan.

4. Privasi

4.1 Anda bersetuju bahawa dengan mendaftar untuk Akaun, anda memberi persetujuan agar Maklumat/Data Peribadi anda digunakan dan/atau didedahkan mengikut Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010.

4.2 Maklumat/Data Peribadi yang anda berikan mungkin disimpan dalam pangkalan data dan dobiQueen mungkin menggunakan, menyimpan, menganalisis, memindahkan dan/atau bertukar maklumat tersebut dengan semua pihak yang dianggap perlu.

4.3 dobiQueen mungkin memantau dan merekodkan semua transaksi dan komunikasi yang mungkin berlaku antara dobiQueen dan anda untuk tujuan perniagaan dobiQueen (termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada kawalan kualiti dan latihan, memastikan operasi sistem yang berkesan dan pencegahan serta pengesanan jenayah).

5. Terma Pembayaran

5.1 Pembayaran untuk tambah nilai dan perkhidmatan yang disediakan melalui Aplikasi dobiQueen mesti dibuat mengikut harga dan terma pembayaran yang dinyatakan dalam Aplikasi dobiQueen.

5.2 Syarikat berhak untuk mengubah harga untuk tambah nilai dan perkhidmatannya pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis terlebih dahulu.

5.3 Terma Tambah Nilai:

5.3.1 Jumlah tambah nilai minimum mungkin dikenakan untuk tambah nilai menggunakan kad debit, kad kredit, dan/atau mana-mana kaedah tambah nilai lain yang mungkin ditentukan oleh dobiQueen dari semasa ke semasa.

5.3.2 Jumlah tambah nilai tidak boleh dipindah milik, tidak boleh dikembalikan, dan tidak boleh dikeluarkan sebagai wang tunai.

5.3.3 Apabila pelanggan menutup akaun mereka, jumlah tambah nilai tidak akan dikembalikan.

5.3.4 Terma ini terpakai untuk semua transaksi yang melibatkan tambah nilai dana ke dalam akaun pengguna dalam Aplikasi dobiQueen.

6. Hak Milik Intelektual

6.1 Semua kandungan dan bahan yang tersedia melalui Aplikasi dobiQueen, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada teks, grafik, logo, imej, dan perisian, adalah hak milik Syarikat atau pemberi lesennya dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang hak cipta dan harta intelektual lain.

6.2 Anda tidak dibenarkan untuk menghasilkan semula, mengubah suai, mengedarkan, atau menggunakan mana-mana kandungan dari Aplikasi dobiQueen tanpa kebenaran bertulis terlebih dahulu dari Syarikat.

7. Had Tanggungjawab

7.1 Sejauh mana yang dibenarkan oleh undang-undang yang berkenaan, Syarikat tidak akan bertanggungjawab atas sebarang kerosakan tidak langsung, sampingan, khas, berbangkit, atau punitif yang timbul daripada atau berkaitan dengan penggunaan Aplikasi dobiQueen atau mana-mana perkhidmatan yang disediakan melalui Aplikasi dobiQueen.

8. Undang-Undang yang Mengawal

8.1 Terma dan Syarat ini dikawal oleh dan ditafsirkan mengikut undang-undang Malaysia, dan anda dengan ini menyerahkan kepada bidang kuasa eksklusif mahkamah Malaysia.

9. Perubahan Terma

9.1 Syarikat berhak untuk mengubah suai atau mengemas kini Terma ini pada bila-bila masa tanpa notis terlebih dahulu. Sebarang perubahan kepada Terma ini akan berkuat kuasa serta-merta setelah disiarkan.

10. Maklumat Hubungan

10.1 Jika anda mempunyai sebarang soalan atau kebimbangan mengenai Terma ini, sila hubungi dobiQueen di +603 8084 3737 atau customer-service@dobiqueen.my.

Dengan menggunakan Aplikasi dobiQueen, anda mengakui bahawa anda telah membaca, memahami, dan bersetuju untuk terikat dengan Terma dan Syarat ini.

Have questions?
Drop us a message.

Laundry Pick Up & Delivery Service Malaysia

Looking for a laundry delivery service near you has become a whole lot easier now with dobiQueen’s door-to-door pick up and delivery service. With the current Covid19 pandemic, everyone wants to be safe. Yet, people still need to have clean laundry everyday, every time, everywhere. Cleaning your weekly clothing and beddings now become safer than ever when we pick up your laundry from your home and have it delivered right to your door steps. You just need to pick up the phone and dial the hotline. You won’t have to step out of your home. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the comforts of your home.Laundry cleaning has never been as easy and convenient as with dobiQueen Malaysia. In 6 hours, you can have your laundry cleaned! Tell us where you are located and we will handle the rest. Door to door.Got back home late from work? Can’t do your laundry due to the rainy season? Got work to do? dobiQueen provides you with 24 hours laundry service near you, 365 days a year! So whether it is rainy, sunny outside or a hectic schedule, dobiQueen Malaysia is your ultimate place to do your laundry for any kind of fabric closest to your home or even your office.

Coin Laundry vs Laundromat vs Launderette, they are synonyms for Self Service Laundry aka Dobi Layan Diri.

Believe it or not, they are all the same thing! Check out what it means at Wikipedia! The difference is only the phrase itself and when you hear about your family and friends mentioning about a self service laundromat nearby, you can always recommend them dobiQueen 24 hours self service laundromat without reserve. Industrial grade laundry machines at affordable prices, at low prices and high quality, your laundry will be cleaner & fresher than ever before!Forget about buying a laundry machines at your local department store, forget about buying the countless hangers to dry your laundry outside, don’t ever worry that you forget about your drying laundry and say hello to dobiQueen laundry service near you in Malaysia.

Latest Self Service Laundry Cleaning / Dobi Layan Diri / Kedai Dobi Destination in Malaysia

Looking for the best washing machine that will clean your laundry most effective has become a lot easier with self service laundry services Malaysia outlets such as dobiQueen. The days where you need to head off to departmental stores to spend hours searching for the best washing machine to do your weekly laundry are long gone with dobiQueen. At dobiQueen, we make your laundry cleaning experience a more exciting one with fast and easy procedures, hence giving you an improved laundry cleaning experience. Trust us that when you start cleaning your laundry with us, we will be your favourite Malaysia self service laundry cleaning centre in the country! dobiQueen creates ideal opportunities for housewives, people with hectic schedules and students with the most efficient and cost effective way of cleaning their laundry with the latest technologies in industrial laundry machinery by ELECTROLUX Professional series. Browse for the nearest self service laundry near you to have your weekly laundry cleaned.

Best Washing Machine & Laundry Dryers at Your Service!

With ELECTROLUX washing machines and laundry dryers, your clothing not only can be cleaned at half the time compared to home washing machines, they are indefinitely better at cleaning your laundry as well. Industrial ELECTROLUX Professional washing machines features revolution speeds five times that of regular home washers, efficiently reduces electricity consumption by three folds and saves twice the amount of water than the best home laundry appliances you can get in the market. At dobiQueen, we help you clean your laundry with superior washing machines and dryers at affordable prices, gone are the days for dry cleaners to hit you with hefty costs and long waiting lines! Visit one of our kedai dobi layan diri today and prepare to bask in the all new self service laundry experience.
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